Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Caching: Modules that make Drupal scale

There are many ways to improve the performance & scalability of Drupal.
Comparison of a selection of performance and scalability modules:

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8 Popular online apps to test the mobile version of your site

The mobile revolution has inspired major and minor websites alike to have a mobile version. Mobile versions can be created using themes, extensions, and other modifications.
While developing mobile version, you may want to test it on two, three, or even five different mobile handsets. After development, you are not aware how it will appear in each mobile present on this Earth as you have to buy each of them to test it manually.
Let us make this work simple for you by collecting some tools in this article to test the mobile version of your website.
You can test your mobile website on these tools, analyze it for the mistakes/errors, and then optimize it according to the recommendations. Let us have a look at some of the mobile testing applications available online.

1. W3C mobileOK Checker

W3C tops the list every time you come to the field of website testing. This time also, W3C mobileOK Checker tops the web-based mobile testing tools. You just have to visit its website and enter the URL to test and it will show whether your website is mobile-ready or not, along with what you can do to rectify any errors.

2. Ready.Mobi

Ready.Mobi is a service of dotMobi and an extension of W3C MobileOk Checker Service. It analyzes your website and provide the results in graph format whether the website is optimized well for mobile or not. You can check one web page without registering, but you have to create an account to test the whole website.

3. Google Mobile Testing

Google also has tools for testing your website for mobile. Visit the Mobile Testing site, enter the URL of your website, and press Enter. It will show the website in mobile format and you can check whether it is showing up correctly or not.

4. iPad Peek

Currently, Apple iPad is the highest selling tablet. If you are optimizing your website for mobile, then you should also check its compatibility for iPad (be sure to check your regular site here, not just the mobile version). Visit the iPad Peek website, enter the URL and press enter to show how your website looks on iPad.

5. Test iPhone

With all controversies, Apple iPhone is still one of the best selling smartphones around the globe. Do not miss iPhone testing while checking your website on Android, Symbian, and Windows Mobile platforms. You just have to visit the Test iPhone website, enter the URL and press Enter to do iPhone testing of your website.

6. Gomez

If you’re fed up with testing on emulators and web-based apps and thinking about buying a premium mobile website testing service, go for Gomez as it provides a “Try Before You Buy” option. You just have to fill out a small form and it will send the images captured on iPhone 3Gs, iPad, BlackBerry Storm 2, and Google Nexus One.

7. Opera Mobile Emulator

Opera is one of the best mobile Web browsers available in the market. Almost every Java-compatible handset supports either Opera Mini or Opera Mobile. Opera is also available for iPhone, Android, and Symbian platforms. You can test your website on this mobile browser by visiting its online demo.

8. BOLT Demo

BOLT is another leading mobile web browser. It mainly works on Java-compatible mobiles but the company also plans to launch an Android version. Test your Website on BOLT by using its online demo.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Better Formats - Module

Better formats is a module to add more flexibility to Drupal's core input format system.



  • Set the default format per role.
  • Set the default format per content type.
  • Control allowed formats per content type.
  • Hide format tips.
  • Hide more format tips link.
  • Hide format selection for nodes, comments, and blocks seperately, forcing the default to be used.
  • Expand the selection fieldset by default.
  • Disable the expand/collapse of the selection fieldset.
  • Set selection fieldset title.
  • Set more format tips link text.
  • Set default formats for nodes and comments separately.
  • Sensible defaults and fail overs for ease of use.
  • Works with CCK textareas.
  • Works with Panels comment form.
  • i18n module support for user defined strings.

7.x (needs more testing for a stable release)

  • Set allowed text formats per field.
  • Set default order of text formats per field.
  • Hide format tips per role.
  • Hide more format tips link per role.
  • Hide format selection per role per entity.
  • Currently only works on Field API fields on fieldable entities implementing core style text processing. The good thing is that is most things in core and contrib.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Increase upload size in your php.ini (Increase Maximum file size: 8 MB)

note: increasing PHP upload size is different from increasing PHP memory limit. You can learn to increase memory limit here.
Drupal's limits on upload file size are determined by your server's PHP settings (as well as Drupal specified settings that can be set at Admin > Site Configuration > File Upload). The default values for PHP will restrict you to a maximum 2 MB upload file size.
On the settings page for the upload module, Drupal calculates and displays the maximum file size that you can set based upon two PHP settings: 'post_max_size' and 'upload_max_filesize'. Since 'post_max_size' is the limit for all the content of your post, many people choose 'post_max_size' to be a multiple of 'upload_max_filesize' to allow multiple files to be uploaded, but this is not essential. The upload module limits the size of a single attachment to be less than either post_max_size, or upload_max_filesize, whichever is smaller. The default PHP values are 2 MB for upload_max_filesize, and 8 MB for post_max_size.
Depending on your host, changing these two PHP variables can be done in a number of places with the most likely being php.ini or .htaccess (depending on your hosting situation).
For example, to increase the limit on uploaded files to 10 MB:
  • Add the below to the relevant php.ini file (recommended, if you have access). Note that for some hosts this is a system-wide setting. However, for hosts running PHP as a CGI script with suexec (for example) you may be able to put these directives in a php.ini file in your Drupal root directory.
    • upload_max_filesize = 10M
    • post_max_size = 10M
  • Add the below to your .htaccess file in your Drupal root directory.
    • php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
    • php_value post_max_size 10M
The PHP documentation states that the memory_limit setting also affects file uploading. Generally speaking, memory_limit should be larger than post_max_size. If this is an issue, see the page on how to Increase memory available to PHP (3 methods)
Drupal also allows/enforces its own size limits, independently of what PHP allows. These are found in Drupal 6 at "Administer » Site configuration » File uploads" ( /admin/settings/uploads ). The Drupal settings cannot be larger than those permitted by PHP, but may be smaller if you haven't updated them, so remember to check there also, after updating the php.ini.

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Views Slideshow - Module

Views Slideshow can be used to create a slideshow of any content (not just images) that can appear in a View. Powered by jQuery, it is heavily customizable: you may choose slideshow settings for each View you create.

Potential uses

  • News item slideshow (such as the title, image and teaser of the last 5 news articles submitted)
  • The Last X number of X submitted (images, videos, blog entries, forum posts, comments, testimonials, etc.).
  • Rotate any image, based on any filters you can apply in views.
  • Hottest new products for any ecommerce drupal site.
  • Rotate contact links, share links, etc.
  • Heck, you could rotate entire nodes, categories, image galleries, etc. I wouldn't suggest it, but you have that power.
  • Its also a great space saver. Places where you had multiple images or multiple items such as RSS feeds or category listings can now be presented in a slideshow.
The possibilities are really endless, as the more ways you can think of to categorize and add to views, the more you can rotate.


only show translated menu items into current language (Drupal 8)

function MY_THEME_preprocess_menu(&$variables) {   if ($variables['menu_name'] == 'brancott-header-menu') {    $langu...