Saturday, July 28, 2012

UPSC CSAT - 2012 Results - Civil Service Examination (Pre)

UPSC CSAT - 2012 Results - Civil Service Examination  - Preliminary

Official Links :- UPSC CSAT - 2012 Results - Civil Service Examination  

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28 July 2011

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Module - Node export

This module allows users to export nodes and then import it into another Drupal installation, or on the same site.
Using this module you can save yourself a lot of time setting up new websites that have similar nodes to websites you've already made, migrating nodes to new Drupal versions, or between development/staging/production sites.
You will need the same content types for the imports to work (unless using Feeds to import), and ideally relevant compatibility with fields, and modules.

How to use Node export

There are several ways to use Node export:
  • Through a tab that appears on the node page.
  • Using update options on the Content page.
  • In a command line using Drush.
  • Using the Features module.
  • Using the Views Bulk Operations module.
Nodes exported with Node export can be imported:
  • Simple imports
    • Using the form at Node export: import under Create content (Add content in D7).
    • In a command line using Drush.
    • Using the Features module.
  • Advanced imports
    • For advanced importing enable Node export feeds and import via the Feedsinterface. (From Drupal 7 onwards)

Module - Search configuration

This module has five main functions.
  1. Alter the appearance of the core node search form
  2. Group content types for more meaningful searching
  3. Restrict search results by the content type.
    This is a role based restriction.
  4. Restrict search results from showing individual items.
    Use search_config 7.x-1.1-beta2 or above.
  5. Alter the pager limit (aka number search item results per page).
    Usesearch_config 7.x-1.1-beta1 or above.
Admin user (uid 1) is exempt from restrictions.
The first function of this module is to provide an easy interface to modify the search forms provided by core. These include some of the following options:
  • Removing the basic search form display if there is an advanced search form present
  • To move the basic keywords search field into the advanced form
  • Options to override the advanced forms fieldset. These include:
    1. Remove the collapsible wrapper and title
    2. Force it to stay open, but keep the open look and feel
    3. Expand initially, then collapsed during searches
    4. Expand initially or when there are zero results during searches
  • Label overrides provided for fields. These overrides are still translatable.
  • Title display settings for individual fields; above, hidden or below
  • Hiding or showing search fields completely or by role
  • To repopulate the advanced form fields after a search
  • Filter display options on the "Only of the type(s)" field
  • Custom content type groupings to make the types filter more UI friendly This allows you to specify options like:
    [] Standard pages (ie: page, book,etc)
    [] Personal blogging pages (ie: blog, forum, etc)
    [] All other pages (computed list not including page, book, blog or forum content types)
Some of these features can be mimicked using the Views module and making a view that replaces the standard search page. However, it would be difficult to completely mimic all of this modules functionality in a view.
If you require alternative search fields, then views may be your best option.
Modify search functionality by role.
For content types, the approach of this module is to re-write the search query, so that content is indexed and available as search results to users in role(s) that have permissions to view it, but not displayed to other roles.
This also updates the "Only of the type(s)" field options.
If you also require content restrictions, then the module that supplies that functionality should also update the search permissions, so this feature of this module does not need to be used.
It does not remove nodes from the search index.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Module - Semiclean (Cron Run Faild Solution)

Semiclean fixes broken crons by clearing the cron semaphore from the database when a previous cron execution fails.
If you run cron manually from the Update status page and get the message, "Cron run failed.", you may be a future Semiclean user.
If your cron.php has been running from your local crontab or poormanscron, but the Cron maintenance tasks item in your update status page has an old date, you may be a future Semiclean user.
If you're reading through your Recent log entries (aka watchdog logs) and see the message "Attempting to re-run cron while it is already running." too many times in a row, you may be a future Semiclean user.
Just load it up as any other module and visit your Administer > Reports > Status report page. If the Cron semaphore line is green, cron's semaphore probably isn't your problem.
However, you load Semiclean, visit your Update status page, and you see an old timestamp listed in the Cron semaphore line, you need to clean with Semiclean!

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Module - Panels

An Overview of Panels

The Panels module allows a site administrator to create customized layouts for multiple uses. At its core it is a drag and drop content manager that lets you visually design a layout and place content within that layout. Integration with other systems allows you to create nodes that use this, landing pages that use this, and even override system pages such as taxonomy and the node page so that you can customize the layout of your site with very fine grained permissions.

Integration with CTools module

Panels 3 utilizes the CTools' system of "context" so that the content you place on the page can be aware of what is being displayed. For example, in the existing Drupal setup, a block has no real knowledge of what the primary page is displaying. There are all kinds of tricks and tools you can use to get information to the blocks, but this generally means writing PHP code to scan the URL and pull the data out, which is not a very good thing when that data should already exist.

Panels uses Contexts - What are they?

In a Panel, you can create contexts, which represent the objects being displayed. For example, when displaying the node view, NID argument on the page is converted into a context through the 'arguments' system. You can then create a relationship from that node to, say, the node author, or if you have a node reference from CCK, a related node [as of CCK 2.3]. Once the contexts are in place, content specifically about those contexts can be placed. For the node context you can add CCK fields, the node body, attached files and a host of other information that can be provided by plugins. For the user context you can display things like the user picture or profile. Note that CCK 2.3 and later only has support for Panels 3.
In addition, these contexts can be checked for information and use that not only to make content available to be displayed, but to choose which layout to display! For example, if your site is international, you can use context to see if the node being viewed is set for a particular language and choose to display it one way if it is in French or another way if it is in English. You can also select on attributes like node type, whether or not the user has access to edit the node, and more. This system is also pluggable and you can add your own custom criteria with only a small amount of code. Want to display nodes differently based on how a custom CCK field you've added to a node type is set? That is very simple to write and you can use this to change the presentation entirely.
Panels also includes simpler applications of the drag and drop system. There is a node type (the 'panel' node) that can simply be added as content to your system. By being a node it loses a lot of the features that the more powerful page system has, but it does have the advantage of simplicity, and gaining all of the functionality that nodes normally get.
Panels can also be used for items smaller than pages. What if you have a normal sidebar, and you have two pieces of content that waste a bunch of space because they're really too narrow, and your design looks significantly better if they are side by side? That's complex to do in Drupal because what you end up having to do is create a custom block with custom code to display these two pieces of content. With Panels, you just create a "mini-panel" with a two column layout. Add one block to the left, one block to the right, and finish. This mini panel will then be available to your system as an ordinary block, or as panel content to go in the other panels.

Other Features of Panels

  • Panels supports styles, which can control how individual content panes, regions within a panel, and the entire panel will be rendered. While Panels ships with few styles, styles can be provided as plugins by modules, as well as by themes!
  • The layout builder is nice for visually designing a layout, but a real HTML guru doesn't want the somewhat weighty HTML that this will create. Modules and themes can provide custom layouts that can fit a designer's exacting specifications, but still allow the site builder to place content wherever you like.
  • Panels includes a pluggable caching mechanism. A single cache type is included, the 'simple' cache which is time-based. Since most sites have very specific caching needs based upon the content and traffic patterns, this system was designed to let sites that need to devise their own triggers for cache clearing and implement plugins that will work with Panels. Panels can be cached as a whole, meaning the entire output of the panel can be cached, or individual content panes that are heavy can be cached.
  • Panels can be integrated with Organic Groups through the og_panels module to allow individual groups to have their own customized layouts.
  • Panels integrates with Views to allow administrators to add any view as content. Or, for uses where the layout editor needs more tightly controlled content, Views can be given custom displays to provide only what the site administrator wants the panels builder to use.
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Module - Disable user language

This module disables the language selector in the user profile form for all the users but the first user.
The default language for the site is still selectable in the language settings page (

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Module - Menu Weight Assist

Menu Weight Assist adds a display of the menu items, with their weights, that are children of the selected "Parent Item" in the "Menu Settings" fieldgroup of the Node Edit form.
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Module - Profile Taxonomy

Profile Taxonomy enables the assignment of taxonomy terms to user profiles. Site administrators can reference
a vocabulary from a list selection user profile field. Then users can choose the populated taxonomy terms from the user profile pages or registration form.
This module builds on top of the list selection profile field making its data source, i. e. option list, dynamic by referencing taxonomy terms. This elegant masquerading makes Profile Taxonomy compatible with various themes and other modules, e. g. Views, Apache Solr Search Integration or other user profile related modules.

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Module - Remove Log Message

When you're editing a node do you or your editors ever fill in that field at the bottom of the page where it says "Log message"? If not, this module will let you remove it from the page so nobody has to look at it. It will also allow you to remove the entire "revision information" fieldset and everything inside it. The default settings will still apply.
The module will let you choose who sees the fields and where they see them based on role and content type.

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Module - User Read-Only

The module allows an administrator to disallow modification of user account/profile fields. The administrator can select which fields will be disallowed, or which fields will be allowed.

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Special menu items

Special menu items is a Drupal module that provides placeholder and separator menu items.
A placeholder is a menu item which is not a link. It is useful with dynamic drop down menus where we want to have a parent menu item which is not linking to a page but just acting as a parent grouping some menu items below it.
A separator menu item is something like "-------" which is not linking anywhere but merely a mean to structure menus and "separate" menu items visually.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

jQuery Questions

1. Which of the following is correct?

2. jQuery uses CSS selectors and XPath expressions to select elements?

3. Which sign does jQuery use as a shortcut for jQuery?

4. With jQuery, look at the following selector: $("div"). What does it select?

5. Is jQuery a library for client scripting or server scripting?

6. Is it possible to use jQuery together with AJAX?

7. The jQuery html() method works for both HTML and XML documents

8. What is the correct jQuery code to set the background color of all p elements to red?

9. With jQuery, look at the following selector: $("div.intro"). What does it select?

10. Which jQuery method is used to hide selected elements?

11. Which jQuery method is used to set one or more style properties for selected elements?

12. Which jQuery method is used to perform an asynchronous HTTP request?

13. What is the correct jQuery code for making all div elements 100 pixels high?

14. Which statement is true?

15. What scripting language is jQuery written in?

16. Which jQuery function is used to prevent code from running, before the document is finished loading?

17. Which jQuery method should be used to deal with name conflicts?

18. Which jQuery method is used to switch between adding/removing one or more classes (for CSS) from selected elements?

19. Look at the following jQuery selector: $("div#intro .head"). What does it select?

20. Is jQuery a W3C standard?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Shared Content Type Repository

This is a launchpad for CCK content type templates.
To add one of these content types to your Drupal site, make sure you have the required modules installed, then copy and paste the code into /admin/content/types/import
To share one of your content types with other Drupal site builders, go to /admin/content/types/export and copy the code to a child page of this book. Please be sure to include any additional modules you used and put the code in < code > & < /code > tags.

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Post settings

Rebuild Permissions If the site is experiencing problems with permissions to content, you may have to rebuild the permissions cache. Possible causes for permission problems are disabling modules or configuration changes to permissions. Rebuilding will remove all privileges to posts, and replace them with permissions based on the current modules and settings.
Rebuilding may take some time if there is a lot of content or complex permission settings. After rebuilding has completed, posts will automatically use the new permissions.
Number of posts on main page: provides a dropdown box that determines the default maximum number of posts to display per page on overview pages such as the main page.
Length of trimmed posts: provides a dropdown box that determines the maximum number of characters used in the trimmed version of a post. Drupal will use this setting to determine at which offset long posts should be trimmed. The trimmed version of a post is typically used as a teaser when displaying the post on the main page, in XML feeds, etc. To disable teasers, set to 'Unlimited'. Note that this setting will only affect new or updated content and will not affect existing teasers.
Preview post: provides two radio buttons that determine whether it is optional or required for users to preview their posts before submitting.

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only show translated menu items into current language (Drupal 8)

function MY_THEME_preprocess_menu(&$variables) {   if ($variables['menu_name'] == 'brancott-header-menu') {    $langu...